Thursday, 21 April 2016

Hike #7 - Iroquoia section 0-15.6
total hiked: 102.5
total time: 18:50

The start of the Iroquoia section is fantastic. An easy climb up to the top of the escarpment to overlook Grimsby reminded me of a trail through the mountains. Tall trees and a path made out of rocks along a small river. The top had some designated look out platforms and even a tower built to watch the spring hawk migration which was full of people today.

Sadly the trail then is on Ridge road for like 3km. It was quiet for traffic but its never fun walking on the shoulder of a road when you are out for a hike.

I made some friends at least

After the road section the trail follows about halfway up the escarpment the rest of the way. This is the best way to do it as everyone wants to build on the top and bottom of the ridge, but the trail goes through the middle so it was 10km of fully secluded trail. I didn't see a house or building nearly the entire time and this is in Hamilton limits at this point.

So far Iroquoia section has delivered nicely. I ended my day in Stoney Creek suburbs and had a windy ride back to the car.

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